Mistletoe and wine...
It's a few days before Christmas and I'm looking forward to taking some time off work to enjoy being with the family and to catch up with some hobby activity. I've been trying to complete a Skaven Blood Bowl team for the last couple of months but I've not always had the time or inclination to get them finished. I'm hopeful I can get them ready for use before the new year - I'll post pics when they're ready.
The Skaven team will be my team for next year's Chelmsford Bunker Blood Bowl League. I had been intending to use my Halfling team but, after lots of practise games with them, I seem to be unable even to get a draw with them. I thought I'd get a bit frustrated with losing all the time so I decided to switch to the Skaven, a team who can hopefully dig me out of any tactical holes I get myself into! The league is going to be interesting this year as there seems to be a lot of club members interesting in taking part. I've even set up a website so that the league can be run online - www.cbbbl.co.uk - something that should make the book keeping easier.
While the league is being played, I've signed up to take part in a "Tale of Four Gamers" project with some of the other guys in the club. What's going to make this different for me is that it's to collect a Warhammer Fantasy army. I've tried collecting a Fantasy army in the past but I never got to grips with it. I galled me a little that I'd paint up twenty or so models and they'd only get something like four attacks in the game before they ran away and were slaughtered! Anyway - I thought it was time for me to finally get into Fantasy and I opted for an army that should be easy to paint. Tomb Kings. I'll going to paint them as quickly as I can so it'll be washes and drybrush time for sure.
One last thing to mention here - I attended the GW "Thank You" Day at Warhammer World last Sunday. GW invite people who help them out at events to take part in a special day at GW HQ. They book the gaming hall out for the attendees to use, provide a very nice roast lunch and they even got some of the staff to give presentations about new stuff on the horizon. They even had Gav Thorpe there signing prerelease copies of his new novel. So - not a bad day at all really! I played Legends of the High Seas with Mike and Barry from my club and we were lucky that Tim Eagling had brought his fantastic scenery and ships for us to game on. It was a really good day...

Here's a shot of all the Chelmsford Bunker members that attended the day - Barry, Mike, Me, Paul, Richard, Andy, Luke, Brad and Phil.

I hope anyone reading this blog has a great holiday period - eat lots, drink in moderation and enjoy any wargaming goodies that Santa might bring!
The Skaven team will be my team for next year's Chelmsford Bunker Blood Bowl League. I had been intending to use my Halfling team but, after lots of practise games with them, I seem to be unable even to get a draw with them. I thought I'd get a bit frustrated with losing all the time so I decided to switch to the Skaven, a team who can hopefully dig me out of any tactical holes I get myself into! The league is going to be interesting this year as there seems to be a lot of club members interesting in taking part. I've even set up a website so that the league can be run online - www.cbbbl.co.uk - something that should make the book keeping easier.
While the league is being played, I've signed up to take part in a "Tale of Four Gamers" project with some of the other guys in the club. What's going to make this different for me is that it's to collect a Warhammer Fantasy army. I've tried collecting a Fantasy army in the past but I never got to grips with it. I galled me a little that I'd paint up twenty or so models and they'd only get something like four attacks in the game before they ran away and were slaughtered! Anyway - I thought it was time for me to finally get into Fantasy and I opted for an army that should be easy to paint. Tomb Kings. I'll going to paint them as quickly as I can so it'll be washes and drybrush time for sure.
One last thing to mention here - I attended the GW "Thank You" Day at Warhammer World last Sunday. GW invite people who help them out at events to take part in a special day at GW HQ. They book the gaming hall out for the attendees to use, provide a very nice roast lunch and they even got some of the staff to give presentations about new stuff on the horizon. They even had Gav Thorpe there signing prerelease copies of his new novel. So - not a bad day at all really! I played Legends of the High Seas with Mike and Barry from my club and we were lucky that Tim Eagling had brought his fantastic scenery and ships for us to game on. It was a really good day...

I hope anyone reading this blog has a great holiday period - eat lots, drink in moderation and enjoy any wargaming goodies that Santa might bring!