Are We Nearly There Yet?

Bunker Bowl II Champion - Steve Chambers

I've been really busy the last couple of weeks getting everything ready for Bunker Bowl III this coming weekend.  Any kind of tournament or campaign is a huge effort so I'm sure a lot of wargames event organisers know exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about.  We're nearly there now and it's only a few days to go - and I can't wait.  We have been lucky to get some prize support from Mantic Games for this tournament - they are donating two pre-release Dreadball teams plus some other pre-release models and, on top of that, they are coming to the event to run demos of their new game.  I'm very impressed with that as they've not even officially launched the game yet.  I will take lots of pictures of the weekend to splash over this blog...

I am taking part in the tournament this year as Sherwin (picture above with last year's winner), the Bunker President, is going to look after the "spare player" duties for us as well as organise and act as referee.  I have been playing a Chaos team in my Blood Bowl league but I wanted to take a different team to the Bunker Bowl.  My NAF record shows that I've played Necromantics in the first Pearly Kings and Queens tournament in 2004, Halflings in the Blood Bowl GT 2008, Humans at the first Bunker Bowl in 2010, Skaven at the Carrot Crunch V in 2011, Halflings again at Bunker Bowl II in 2011 and lastly Halflings yet again at Carrot Crunch VI earlier this year.  This time I was thinking either Amazons or Skaven - but at my friend Darren Lysenko pointed out "Come on, Darren. Nobody likes a Skaven player..."  So - Amazons it is.

I'm hoping to play them in a style often attributed to Wood Elves.  That is to run away so you can't get punched - a very sensible decision when you only have AV7.  For the tournament, we allow a 1.1 million gp team and then five skills can be added to whatever players you like at the start - one of the skills being a double.  I've skipped that option and I'm going to try this roster :

4 Blitzers - 360K
1 Thrower - 70K
1 Catcher - 70K
7 Linewomen - 350K
4 rerolls - 200K
1 Apothecary - 50K

For skills - Sure Hands on the Thrower, Block on the Catcher, Guard x 2 and Tackle for three of the Blitzers.

I haven't played Amazons since 2009 so I'm obviously well practiced with them!  As long as it's fun and I get a decent result I will be happy.  I'm going to aim to get at least three wins with them - I'll let you know how I get on.