Guild Ball - Butchers

I'm really very lucky.  My club, the Chelmsford Bunker, has a lot of talented people who are club members and a couple of those are directly involved with Guild Ball, the mob football game by Steamforged Games.

Mat Hart is one of the game designers - and he's been a regular at my club for ages.  I used to see him occasionally on the daily commute to London and we'd chat about wargaming and his idea for the new game which, of course, became Guild Ball.  The Bunker members did a lot of playtesting of the rules so for me it feels like Guild Ball has been around forever.  I didn't have the cash to join in on the initial Kickstarter campaign when it was first released so my first Guild Ball minis were bought at Salute in 2015 when they were first released.  Mat sold a Butchers team me personally which was pretty cool - they are his favourites so they were the team for me.

The other link to Guild Ball is that the club President, Sherwin Matthews, is the lead story writer for the game.  I can't count the number of times I saw him and Mat in the upstairs bar discussing story development while all the rest of the club was playing games in the hall below.  Sherwin really has breathed the life and soul into the game.

As for me, I have, since I got my Butchers team back at Salute last year, bought two other teams which were Masons and Brewers.  I bought the extra players to maximise the teams and duly put them in the lead mountain to mature while I was concentrating on painting Blood Bowl pretty much all of last year.  With the release of the 2nd Season rules, I've decided to get my feet wet and actually play the game.  The club is running a Big League and I have joined in, albeit a little late to the party.  I am scheduled to be playing my first full game this Wednesday and I've painted up my Butchers team ready to go.  My first game is against Sherwin - but he assures me he is rubbish at the game and just plays for fun so it should all be good.  I have found the minis very different from the Blood Bowl minis I have been painting for more than a year - they are so detailed  and individual, I have found it hard to batch paint them.  So - they're not my best work and I'm not sure I themed them particularly well but they are done.  I have only just bought the Season 2 extra minis for the Butchers so I will probably add those soon.  Then I will have my Masons and Brewers to paint.  It should be good to paint and play something other than Blood Bowl just to give me other options for gaming at the club.  I know I will always get a game of Guild Ball there!
Team Captain - Ox
Mascot - Princess
Striker - Brisket
Winger - Boiler
Winger - Shank
Attacking Midfielder - Meathook
Attacking Midfielder - Boar
Butchers Guild