Catachan Primaris Psykers

I've not done any painting for months but I've been meaning to get cracking again on my Catachans for a while now.  I've got so much stuff to paint for them and I really do want to start playing 40K.  One of my mates asked me if I had any painted Primaris Psykers as one of his buddies needed to borrow one for an upcoming tournament.  I said I did have a couple but they weren't built or painted - but then I thought it'd give me a push to get moving on them.  So I said I'd get them painted so his buddy could borrow one.  A few days later, here they are!  I built more minis than these and I'm now painting those - so hopefully it will be a bit of motivation to get the rest of the army painted.  If nothing else, I've now got some models to use inthe Psychic Phase :)