Skaven and Superheroes part. 2
I've had a bit of a lull in painting over the last few weeks but I finally got back into the groove this weekend. I finished off painting the last of the models for my Warpstone Wanderers Skaven team so below you'll see pics of a "big hand " mutant, an old 2nd ed. Rasta Tailspike star who'll I'll be using as a "extra arms" mutant and three assistant coaches to whip the players into shape. I'm going to call the team finished now although I guess I do have some other things I can add in future - I need to convert some cheerleaders and, if I ever get one, I could do with a plague censer bearer to use as the star player Fezglitch. Those can wait though. I've been painting Skaven all year and I've had more than enough of purple and green!
While I was waiting for the paint to dry on the bases of the Skaven, I found another of the Superfigs models and got cracking. This model is known as Mindhawk in their range but I repainted her to be a traditional red, white and blue super hero. I wasn't brave enough to paint white stripes on her legs and arms but at least I manged to paint a star of sorts onto her chest. I called her Miss Glory. While I was taking pictures of her, I also took some more pictures of Pyrene who I painted a while back. The old photos didn't really show how the model is in the "up, up and away" pose so I wanted to show how she's just taking off.
While I was waiting for the paint to dry on the bases of the Skaven, I found another of the Superfigs models and got cracking. This model is known as Mindhawk in their range but I repainted her to be a traditional red, white and blue super hero. I wasn't brave enough to paint white stripes on her legs and arms but at least I manged to paint a star of sorts onto her chest. I called her Miss Glory. While I was taking pictures of her, I also took some more pictures of Pyrene who I painted a while back. The old photos didn't really show how the model is in the "up, up and away" pose so I wanted to show how she's just taking off.