Tentacles of Doom

As mentioned in my last post, I had planned a game of Firestorm Armada against my mate Dennis.  Dennis was using his Marauder fleet; a combination OmniDyne, Oroshan and a couple of ships from his huge Directorate fleet.  The big centrepiece model was the huge OmniDyne Foundry Class Dreadnought - which is just a massive slab of resin which looks fantastic.

I did manage to build my Medusa Class Dreadnought but I didn't get time to undercoat or paint it in time for the game.  Perhaps that's why it failed to hit anything when it was firing it's guns and torpedoes!  We'd been slightly too audacious and aimed to field a 1250 point fleet each on a 6ft x 4ft table; we struggled to fit all the ships on when deploying at the start of the game.  As it happened, we ran out of time at the club meeting before we had a chance to finish the game too.  At the start of the game, we had rolled for victory conditions; mine was just to kill the large and massive ships in Dennis' fleet (which for him was just the Dreadnought) and Den needed to kill at least half of my points total.  When we called it, I hadn't even scratched Den's Dreadnought and he'd sabotaged my Battleship, killed a Tsunami class Destroyer and taken out a squadron of Piranha Frigates.  A win for the Marauders I think...

We're due to play again next week although we're going to reduce the point size to 1000 and won't be fielding Dreadnoughts this time.  I might be bring out my so-far unused Manta Battle Carrier for that one.

One other thing I did at the club was pick up my order of Dystopian Wars toys from Tom Pugh who runs Cymbeline Games.  I got the two Dystopian campaign books, a Prussian Empire Armoured Battle Group and a Metzger Class Robot to with them, some waterlined Metzger robots for naval engagements, some Hussar Class Gunships, a big Gewitterwolke Class Airship (as I need a Zeppelin to make it a proper Prussian force) and a blister of the new Konigsberg Class Battlecruisers which have harpoons that help conduct electricity from other ships Tesla Coils.  I will be painting Dystopian Wars toys all year!