Hobby Time

It's been a while since I have done anything hobby related.  Not since Christmas in fact.  I think doing so much painting of Blood Bowl teams ready for tournaments just wiped out my hobby energy.  I had been painting some High Elves which I had intended to take to Boudica Bowl back in February but I didn't get them finished - so I'm now aiming to use them at the Twisted Cup one-day tournament in July.

I have been playing a few league games of Blood Bowl here and there with my Undead and Goblins and I've also played a game of Judge Dredd.  I have decided to try to use some of the Guild Ball teams I bought last year and I also wanted to try my hand a Malifaux as there's a decent amount of people playing it at my club.  I'm really looking for some game systems that I can play whenever the Blood Bowl league has finished!

For Malifaux, I have opted to collect the Guild.  This is partly because I like the undead / cowboy look to them and they seem to have the least amount of weird stuff - so it should be easier for me to get to grips with the game.  I started with Guild's Judgement box set as I like the look of the Death Marshalls who carry coffins around with them :)  When it came to building them, I was really glad that I had bought myself some tweezers as the minis are really fiddly to construct.  The Death Marshalls were especially mad - two of them are leaping off the coffins are are only connected by a hand or the sole of a boot.  I'll have to see how I get on with the game before I get any more minis in this range.

For Guild Ball, I bought into the game when it was released.  I bought the Butchers team from Mat Hart himself at Salute last year and picked up Masons and Brewers shortly after that.  I played a demo game at the time and I just didn't do anything else with them as I was playing so much Blood Bowl.  At the Bunker club there has been a Guild Ball league playing and I felt I was missing out a bit - so I dug out the minis and built the Butchers team so I can get some games in even if I have missed out on the league. 

On top of this, I've started painting the GW High Elves again so hopefully I'll get those ready for the tournament in time.