Hobby plans for 2019
2019 is here and, like a lot of wargamers, I thought I should have a quick review of how I did last year and make some plans for the new year.
Last year I promised myself I'd aim for the following targets :
Paint my Catachan army so I could play a 2000 point game
Paint my Necromunda stuff and play some games
Paint and use my final Blood Bowl team so I could finish the 24 at the NAF Championship and then go to the EurOpen in Cardiff
I did pretty well with these really. I did paint my Escher gang for Necromunda as well as the scenery from the box set and played in a couple of campaigns at my club. I still have some more Escher to paint plus Goliaths and Orlocks though.
I painted my Chaos Pact and Wood Elf teams for Blood Bowl and completed my 24 at the NAF Champs. I also painted a Human team for a friend's tournament prize and I got to play at the EurOpen which was brilliant fun. I've built teams for Khorne and Brettonians which I still need to paint and take to tourneys to finish the 26.
As for my Catachans, I did quite well with them as I painted quite a lot of minis but I didn't finish 2000 points and only got some games of Kill Team in with them. Which leads me onto my plans for 2019...
Over Christmas I got a couple of new boxes of toys for Astra Militarum - a Hellhound (fantastic!) and a box of Cadians (excellent!). These made me have a quick look at what other stuff I had bought for the Catachans and I've actually got a ridiculous amount of unbuilt and unpainted models for them. On top of this, I bought a lot of new toys last year for other systems and armies. Kill Team's release made me buy Adeptus Mechanicus minis and Genestealer Cult for the first time. I bought quite a lot of Deathwatch minis too. I bought Adeptus Titanicus and have only half-painted one Warlord titan from that. I also bought the Lord of the Rings new boxed game and have a host of riders of Rohan that need to be painted now.
So this means that for 2019 I'm going to try to just focus on two things :
1) Build, paint and play with my Catachans. I really want to get some games in with these camouflaged nutters so I am going to get these guys ready to rock.
2) Stop buying new minis! I bought soooo much last year, I really don't need to buy more as I could paint for a couple of years and still not run out of hobby projects! I may have to review this one later in the year based on how well I've done with the Catachan project and whether the plastic Sisters of Battle kits are released!
I may try to finish the 26 this year sometime but I really want to focus on 40K - and I am not planning on going to the Blood Bowl World Cup in Austria in October as it's just too expensive. I do have three tournaments planned already though - I'm going to the Blood Bowl Winter Cup in Folkestone, the UK Team Challenge in York and the NAF Championship. So there will be enough Blood Bowl being played to keep me practiced :)
The Winter Cup is tomorrow and next weekend I'm off to York for the UKTC - so I'll probably make a start on the Catachans once those tournaments are done. It's going to be a busy 2019 for my hobby this year but it should be fun!